Chronic Inflammation: Know the Warning Signs & How to Reverse its Effects
Jul 15, 2021
Have you heard the word “inflammation” lately? It’s is a word thrown around a lot these days. Some say it’s swelling. Others use it to describe the reason for their pain. It can also be used to describe a sensation of heat around an injured part of the body. These things are only partly true.
There are two types of inflammation and it’s important for you to know why one type poses serious health risks, if left untreated. I want you to be aware of what to look for and what to do about it. As you may have guessed, it’s directly related to your gut health and has a HUGE impact on your long-term vitality.
The two types I’m referring to are acute and chronic inflammation. It’s important to know the difference and how both affect the body. Read on for some clear and simple steps you can take to find out if you have this problem. And if you think that you do, I’m going to share practical steps to take so you can finally begin to heal your body.
Near the end, I’ll also share a testimony of someone who had some very common health issues due to chronic inflammation, and what she did that brought a total transformation!
To get started, let’s define some terms.
Acute vs Chronic Inflammation; What’s the Difference?
Both acute and chronic inflammation are immune responses. It’s your body’s natural response to heal a problem. The difference between the two are:
- The cause of the inflammation
- How long the immune response has been happening
- The impact it’s having on your health
When you hear the term inflammation, what comes to mind? Do you think of swelling and pain after a bee sting? Maybe it brings to mind the way your knee felt when you sprained it or after a fall. These are examples of acute inflammation. They’re brought on by a specific event and affect one area of the body. Recovery from such incidents is relatively quick, ranging from a few minutes to several weeks.
Take the bee sting, for example. When you’re stung by a bee, the area becomes red, swollen, and painful. The body immediately gets to work releasing white blood cells to combat the toxins from the sting. In a matter of minutes, the body heals itself. The area is no longer red, swollen, or painful. Life goes on as usual.
Likewise, the knee injury causes pain and swelling. It may also feel warm to the touch or internally feel hot. These are all signs that the body is busy at work to repair the damaged tissue. Elevation, ice, and rest are typically all that’s needed. In time, you’re back on your feet, good as new.
However, chronic inflammation is different. While both acute and chronic inflammation is a normal result of our immune response system trying to heal the body, chronic inflammation occurs when the body doesn’t stop its immune response. Essentially your body is stuck in overdrive, putting your body in a state of stress. This begins the cascading effect of harmful reactions, starting with hormone imbalances.
How Chronic Inflammation Develops
When someone eats a lot of processed foods or refined foods, they’re eating things the body doesn’t recognize. If you don’t recognize the ingredients on the label, your body doesn’t recognize them either. Like the invading poison from a bee sting, your body goes to work to attack the chemicals, additives, artificial colors sweeteners, dyes, preservatives and so on.
The problem comes when you keep eating those foods your body doesn’t recognize. Your body never rests. It continues attacking these foreign invaders trying to protect you. Unfortunately, over time, as your body continues to fight these substances, it causes a sustained inflammatory response.
But not in one area—in the whole body!
Your Body’s Silent Battle
Symptoms from chronic inflammation don’t show up right away. Your body’s immune system is so good at fighting off harmful substances that you may not be aware you’re headed for trouble for months or years. As you continue to consume harmful processed foods your white blood cells continue to battle and a harmful byproduct is produced and enters the bloodstream. This is what kicks in the chronic inflammatory response.1
Depending on how long your body has been in this state, symptoms will vary. You may be experiencing:
- Diarrhea, abdominal pain, IBS
- Fatigue
- Skin rashes
- Mouth sores
- Chest pain
- Painful joints, arthritis
- Insulin resistance
- Muscle weakness
- Blood clotting
- Brain fog, difficulty concentrating
- Weight loss, weight gain
- Anxiety, depression
This is a small sample of possible symptoms that chronic inflammation causes. The longer it’s untreated, conditions get worse. Diabetes, arthritis, autoimmune disease, and heart disease are all linked to chronic inflammation. And chronic inflammation can also damage DNA which has been linked to the development of cancer.2
Do I Have Chronic Inflammation?
By now, I’m sure you’re wondering if you have chronic inflammation. But how do you know for sure? Well, start with the above list of signs and symptoms. Does this sound like you? If so, I want you to do something right now. Using the book bonuses included with Revolutionary Weight Loss, start your at-home assessment. Yes, this book is about weight loss, but it’s so much more. It’s all about gut health, the effects of poor gut health, and how to fix it for good. It just so happens that weight loss can be a byproduct of good gut health.
Don’t have the book yet? Download it here. You’ll receive the bonus assessments when you do.
You’ll also have access to in-home functional lab test kits. This empowers you with the specific data you’ll need to create an action plan. You want to stop the chronic inflammation as soon as possible and allow your body to heal.
Reverse the Effects of Chronic Inflammation
Supporting your body so that it can heal from chronic inflammation is possible. The key is to begin taking the right supplements and stop eating the foods that are making you sick. While you may think that only means eliminating junk food, I have shocking news for you.
Sometimes, healthy food can be a problem!
People who have untreated chronic inflammation develop food intolerances and sensitivities.3 This means that even when someone changes over to, let’s say–a paleo diet, they can still be stressing out their immune system if they are sensitive to certain veggies or fruits. Yes, it’s a thing! This is one reason why I strongly recommend testing for food sensitivities.
The test results will reveal specific foods your body is having a reaction to. The tests can be done yourself, in your own home and the report is sent directly to you. The best part is everything’s explained in an easy to understand format and includes suggestions for next steps.
Should you need help navigating those steps and want professional guidance and oversight, I’m here to help you nail your goals. Just like I did with, Kristy.
Kristy's Success Story
Restoring Your Health Can Be a Reality
I know you want to feel good again. You’ve been stuck long enough. The question is, Are you going to take the next step to heal your body? Restoring your health can be your reality. But, a little tough love here—you have to take action.
No more excuses. You can do this. I know you can.
It’s easy, free, and available right now.
Start assessing your health today. Download my book Revolutionary Weight Loss to access the free assessment tools that are part of the book bonuses you’ll receive with it. You don’t even have to read the book if you don’t want to. Just skip to the end and start with assessments and testing. You’ll have everything you need to get started.
Maybe you’ve done all that already. Maybe you’re ready for some guidance and accountability, or want to ask me some questions. Go ahead and book a free consult now. I’m happy to help guide you through the process.
Imagine what your success story will be!
- "Inflammatory responses and inflammation-associated diseases in ...." Accessed 8 Jun. 2021.
- "Risk Factors: Chronic Inflammation - National Cancer Institute." 29 Apr. 2015, Accessed 8 Jun. 2021.
- "Food allergies and food intolerances - Harvard Health." 1 May. 2011, Accessed 8 Jun. 2021.